Yes, it is that time of year again... Spring is nearly on us!
One of our big fundraisers is the spring fertilizer sale. Saturdays and Sundays
in March the scouts will be using their communication skills to help raise funds for
the troop and for their own scout accounts.
While individual sales will not count for any one scout, they will increase the total troop sales. Remember that 50% of total proceeds will be divided and applied towards the participating scouts troop accounts. To get credit for the sales, your scout must participate in one of the weekend sales drives. Any hours
they put in will be calculated based on the total troop sales. This can be put towards camping fees, supplies or trips. This can add up fast through the year in various fundraising events. My son has been in the troop for 3 years and was more than able to cover 2011 summer camp fees through his participation in troop
fund-raising events.
We will be getting together weekends afternoons in March at 12:30 until about 4:00 pm in
the Hoppock School parking lot starting March 5 & 6. **NOTE: In full uniform** A few clipboards and pens would be helpful. Be prepared for any weather.
We will need parents/cars to help drive. (Parents helping out also can get $ credited to their sons account)
Parents, it is important that we spread the driving around this year and have many of you participate. Please consider helping out when you can.
Any available scout is encouraged to join us in this important fundraiser. The boys have a good time, learn some
communication skills and meet their Bethlehem neighbors while helping out themselves and the troop. Please listen for troop announcements at weekly
meetings for any changes.
Thanks for your help.
Steve S.